Vincent Reulet – Speaker at the 19th EFDN Conference
Vincent Reulet, an Environment Expert of UEFA, is a confirmed speaker at our 19th EFDN #Morethanfootball Conference in Seville from the 20th until the 22nd of March 2023.
Vincent Reulet is an accomplished sustainability, ESG and climate change specialist with over 15+ years of experience in integrating sustainability practices through international projects across multi-disciplinary industry sectors, with vertical and transversal approaches as team lead or autonomous project manager. He is passionate about sports, both as leisure and competition levels and distinguish himself for his stamina, enthusiasm and team spirit.
During the presentation, Vincent will discuss the UEFA Circular Economy guidelines which includes the collaboration between UEFA, PepsiCo and subject matter experts in the fields and a milestone deliverable in UEFA sustainability strategy. The topic is focused on the eight-step strategic approach to implementing the 4R framework at the heart of the guidelines providing studies, case studies and examples of projects that would have a significant impact in the day to day or football activities.
His presentation will include the following items:
- Providing guidance to football stakeholders on how handle a complex topic like circular economy
- Working document adapted to any situation (small to large organisation, beginner or advanced)
- Live documents designed to evolve through technological and societal changes